New Wardrobe

I have a client I’ve been sewing for for years who only wears floor-length skirts, and they have to be busy. She is the kind of person who can take a clown costume and make it look subtle and elegant, so she recently started going through her wardrobe and updating everything that wasn’t interesting her anymore.






After, other side:

I also made several originals in various color combinations in her current favorite design:

And one shirt:


Two of these garments are pictured with a backdrop of my wall hanging of the petroglyph of Powerful Woman by Ty Albright, commissioned to replace the door to my laundry room with something more interesting.

Racing Stripes

A client brought me a number of items that were just a little too small. A couple of them, I added what I like to mentally refer to as “racing stripes” up the side, though calling them that out loud to clients generally gets a negative response.

For both the jeans and the skirt, I added a contrasting grey stripe; for the skirt, I serged horizontal stripes to give it a textural difference and add some interest. I made one long piece that was more than wide enough for both sides, then cut it into strips:

And the results: